785-594-3411 – 800 7th Street, Baldwin City, KS 66006 – baldwinpl@baldwin.lib.ks.us

VA Rep Jeff

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

VA Rep Jeff will be here, answering questions on pension, disability, and other VA-related issues.

Obie Hour

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Play interactive games on our Obie projector! Ages: K-2nd grade. Caregivers must be present.

Not Your Typical Book Club – Cook a Book!

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

 Choose dishes from old Community and Church Cookbooks. Bring a dish or not, bring book recommendations or not. We just

Game Time

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Let’s play Bridge! Don’t know how to play? We’d love to teach you. Come and learn in a fun, stress-free

Bullpup Club – Book Club

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Come & get first dibs on all the latest Junior books. Ages: 3rd-5th grade District enrollment not required to participate.

Bulldog Club – Computer Club

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Ages: 6th-12th grade. District enrollment not required to participate.

Craft Your Stress Away

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Karen Kohn will teach us how to marbelize paper mâché eggs. These are refillable eggs, and they will make a

StoryTime – Om Grown Yoga

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Our friends from Om Grown Wellness Collective will be here! Open to ages 0-2nd grade and their caregivers.