785-594-3411 – 800 7th Street, Baldwin City, KS 66006 – baldwinpl@baldwin.lib.ks.us

Best Movie Nite: October Sky

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Free admission & popcorn!

Game Time

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Let's play Bridge! Don't know how to play? We'd love to teach you. Come and learn in a fun, stress-free

Obie Hour

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

Play interactive games on our Obie projector! Ages: K-2nd grade. Caregivers must be present.

Craft Your Stress Away

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

We will make a wire, paper, & fabric flower sculpture. A unique sculpture for keeping or giving as a gift.

Flu Shot Clinic

Baldwin City Library 800 7th St, Baldwin City, KS, United States

The Lawrence Douglas County Public Health Department will be here administering flu shots.

Tech Time

Let's learn to transfer photos to your computer. Optional: Bring your laptop and cords.