785-594-3411 – 800 7th Street, Baldwin City, KS 66006 – baldwinpl@baldwin.lib.ks.us


Curbside and Open Hours
10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Curbside and Open Hours
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Curbside and Open Hours
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Recently Added to Our Collection

The age of A. I. : by Kissinger, Henry,
The paradise affair by Pronzini, Bill.
Last girl ghosted : by Unger, Lisa,
The boys : by Howard, Ron,
'Til I want no more by Pearson, Robin W.,
Forgiving Paris : by Kingsbury, Karen,

Welcome to your Baldwin City Library!

Your Baldwin City Library in Baldwin City, Kansas, has a large selection of books, movies, digital materials, and programs for all ages. We also have Chromebooks, games and toys and more for check out! Can’t find what you’re looking for? We can probably find it for you through interlibrary loan or set you up with Hoopla, Flipster and a state library card for all your digital ebook and audiobook needs. Just ask our friendly staff for help!

Lisa LaFountain, director@baldwin.lib.ks.us

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Baldwin City Ks. Public Library

4 hours 10 minutes ago

✨Puzzle Update!✨ Remember the puzzle we all did together? It has a new home! We think it looks perfect in our YA section. We have

Baldwin City Ks. Public Library

6 hours 39 minutes ago

Let's have some fun at your favorite library this week 3/24-29! 🌸Our friends from Om Grown Yoga & Wellness Collective will be here for StoryTime!

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Check Out Digital Media – Movies, Books, Music, and More
Digital Books and Reference Resources
Just Food’s Cruising Cupboard visits your Baldwin City Library from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month.

Interested? Email a cover letter and resume to apackard@baldwincity.gov.

For more information about board service, call the library at 785 594 3411.